Running Business in the Netherlands? Do it with Lakotta B.V.

The Lakotta administrative office focuses on administrative and tax support for entrepreneurs from Eastern Europe and other countries who do business in the Netherlands. We help companies that have been present on the Dutch market for years to successfully run their business.

Start your business in the Netherlands!

Focus on developing the company and leave the administration in our hands

  • Conducting ongoing administrative activities - do not waste time on time-consuming formalities and spend it on maximizing company profits
  • Preparation and submission of annual financial statements in the Chamber of Commerce - we will be your contact link between the company and Dutch public authorities
  • Tax and financial consulting - optimize your business expenses in a completly legal way
  • Completing tax declarations - we monitor and keep the deadlines for fulfilling tax obligations
  • Preparation and settlement of payrolls - take care of your employees by entrusting payroll services to us
  • Applying for extra funds and preparing business plans - take advantage of the opportunities offered by Dutch regulations to grow your business

Professionele ondersteuning voor ondernemers uit Oost-Europa en daarbuiten

Ons kantoor is gespecialiseerd in administratieve en fiscale dienstverlening voor ondernemers uit Oost-Europa en andere landen die actief zijn op de Nederlandse markt. Met onze hulp beheren bedrijven die al jarenlang in Nederland opereren hun activiteiten efficiënt, minimaliseren ze risico’s en optimaliseren ze hun kosten. Wij begrijpen hoe belangrijk het is dat jij je kunt richten op de groei van je bedrijf. Daarom nemen wij de last van administratieve formaliteiten en fiscale aspecten van je over.

Zorgeloos ondernemen in Nederland – ontdek ons aanbod

Een bedrijf starten in een nieuw land brengt veel uitdagingen met zich mee. Ons kantoor biedt uitgebreide ondersteuning in elke fase van jouw ondernemerschap in Nederland – van bedrijfsregistratie en dagelijks beheer tot fiscale optimalisatie. Dankzij onze diensten kun jij je concentreren op wat echt telt: het laten groeien van je bedrijf en het maximaliseren van je winst.

Wij bieden een volledig dienstenpakket:

Comprehensive services in one place

We work with a certified sworn translator, a notary office, a reputable financial advisor a real estate broker and a leasing company. We provide a complete range of services to support business in the Netherlands.

Check yourself before entering the market!

Business sparring is a support in building a business form as well as a test checking your company's chances on the market. Just as a boxer trains with his partner before a key fight in the ring, you should prepare yourself before entering the market.

Want to learn more about running a business in the Netherlands? Do you want to avoid key mistakes? Let us become your sparring partner - we will train you to achieve success.